The Women in Ag Grant, presented by Credit Unions of Alberta and Alberta Central, provides an opportunity for Alberta-based women who are currently working in, or planning to work in, the agriculture industry to apply for funding to put towards their ag business’ financial future. Two Grants of $10,000 will be awarded to two individuals or businesses.

For full Grant details, review the overview page here. Outlined below you will find Grant rules and regulations, including eligibility criteria and conditions of acceptance. To apply, complete the application form here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Women in Ag Grant?

The Grant provides an opportunity for Alberta-based women who currently work, or are planning to work in agriculture, to apply for funding to put towards their ag business’ financial future.

What is the amount of the Grant?

We are awarding two (2) Grants of $10,000. Two individuals will receive $10,000 deposited into a account at their local Alberta credit union.

Who is eligible to apply for the Grant?

Please see the eligibility criteria captured under our Rules + Regulations here.

How do I apply?

Apply using the online form linked here. Please note that due to demand, only the first 150 applicants will be selected.

What if I am not one of the first 150 applicants?

Due to high demand, only the first 150 applicants will be accepted, after which the form will close. We encourage applicants to apply as early as possible.

How do you define “agriculture” for the purposes of the grant?

For the purposes of this grant, we are defining agriculture as follows:

The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil, growing of crops or rearing animals to provide food or other products or services, and/or the promotion of farming and farming practices to increase adoption of the industry, grow education and awareness, or enhance innovation in the agri-tech space.

How do I know if I meet the definition of woman in order to apply?

The Women in Ag Grant uses an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female”, and we welcome women and individuals who self-identify as women to apply.

If I currently work in agriculture, how do I demonstrate that I work in the sector in order to apply?

We ask all applicants who are currently employed in the agriculture sector to submit their business number when applying, whether their business is a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation.

In the case of a corporation, the woman applying must either hold 35% of the beneficial ownership of the corporation or be listed as a director or officer on the Alberta corporate registries search.

For women who are employees with an existing agriculture business, they must provide a document outlining the business name, their role, their direct manager’s name and contact information, and relation to company ownership (if applicable).

The Women in Ag Grant selection committee may request additional documentation such as income tax data or business registration documents in order to shortlist applicants.

If I want to work in agriculture but am not employed in the sector yet, can I still apply?

Those who are interested in starting a career in agriculture are welcome to apply for the Women in Ag Grant, however, they must submit additional documentation such as a business plan (as outlined in the Rules + Regulations).

What are the application requirements for the Women in Ag Grant?

Complete the application form outlining identification requirements and answering the six application questions found here.

Additional requirements such as identification and/or business documentation may be requested following shortlisting.

What can I use the Grant for?

The Grant funds can be used in any way that furthers the agriculture business’ financial future.

If I am awarded a Grant, do I have to pay it back?

No, the Grant does not need to be paid back.

Is the Grant taxable?

Yes, any monies received from the Grant would need to be reported on your tax return as income.

Do I get anything else if I am selected?

New for 2024, the two selected recipients will also receive a ticket each to the 2025 Advancing Women in Agriculture West Conference in Calgary.

Who can I reach out to if I have questions?

Please reach out to Alberta Central at communications@albertacentral.com .

How will I know that you’ve received my application?

You will receive an automatic onscreen pop-up thanking you for your application.

Who is offering this Grant?

The Women in Ag Grant is presented by the Credit Unions of Alberta and Alberta Central, with support from connectFirst Credit Union and their nextGenLeaders group.

What is a credit union? 

Credit unions are people-focused organizations that offer the same products and services as other financial institutions. But instead of being just another customer, with a credit union, you’re a member and an owner. Visit albertacreditunions.comfor more details. 

Who is Credit Unions of Alberta?

Credit Unions of Alberta represents the 12 credit unions located across the province, in communities large and small, rural and urban. With nearly 200 credit union branches serving more than 640,000 members across Alberta and with more than 3,300 employees, we are your friends, neighbours and colleagues. Visit albertacreditunions.com for more details. 

Who is Alberta Central? 

Alberta Central is the central banking facility and trade association for Alberta’s credit unions. Our innovative products and services, thought leadership and advocacy on priority issues advance the collective voice of the credit union system as we work to increase awareness of the credit union difference.

Do Credit Unions of Alberta and Alberta Central offer any other grants or scholarships?

Credit Unions of Alberta and Alberta Central support the community through the delivery of several different grants and scholarships. You can learn more about our program here. You can also subscribe to stay in the loop using the form here.

Who do I contact if I would like to conduct a media interview about this grant?

Media who are looking for more information about the Women in Ag grant are invited to contact communications@albertacentral.com.


Women in Ag Grant Homepage >

The Women in Ag Grant is brought to you by Credit Unions of Alberta and Alberta Central.
Credit Unions of Alberta represents the 12 credit unions located across the province and Alberta Central is the central banking facility and trade association for Alberta’s credit unions. You can stay in the loop on all the Credit Unions of Alberta grants and scholarships by subscribing here.

Credit Unions of Alberta