Here to lend cups of sugar and cash alike

All across the province, the good neighbours at Alberta’s credit unions are here to help you create a sweeter financial future.

Credit unions are the best neighbour you’ll ever have.

There’s an amazing neighbour in town for Albertans – one that wants to keep more of your money in your pocket while directly supporting the communities you call home.

Albertans are known for helping each other out. And that’s what credit unions are all about. We’re here to make sure our members succeed.

So don’t settle for a neighbour that always wants to take more than their share. When you’re a member, you’re an owner, too, and you get back what’s yours (and even a little extra). We’ve got all the capabilities, accounts, and options you’re used to but a lot less of the fees, frustration, and hoops to jump through when you’re pursuing financial freedom. Find a credit union near you to learn how an Alberta credit union can work for you!

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I consent to be contacted by an Alberta credit union near me. I agree to the Credit Unions of Alberta privacy terms, linked at the bottom of this page, governing the use of this information. This form will only be used to connect you to a credit union near you. Credit Unions of Alberta will not contact your directly or use your data for any other purpose that what is outlined above. By checking this box, you confirm you have read the form and understand how Credit Unions of Alberta will use your information and you give your informed consent to the collection, usage and disclosure of your information. If a new purpose arises for the use or disclosure of your personal information, Credit Unions of Alberta will seek your approval in advance.
Credit Unions of Alberta