When you bank with a credit union, you’re a member – and there are more than 622,000 members across Alberta. That’s almost one in seven Albertans! So chances are someone you know is a member…and maybe you should be too!
But what does it mean to be a “member”?
Don’t worry, becoming a credit union member doesn’t involve signing away your freedom with a 20 year commitment (that’s what a gym membership is for). All we mean is that when you become a member of a credit union, you are now a part owner of that credit union. Meaning you have a voice in how it does business AND you share in any profits made.
That means benefits for you, your family and your community, because with a credit union you’re much more than a customer…you’re a member!
But do I have to live in Alberta?
And you don’t have to live in Alberta to be a member either – maybe you are from here or just passing through, but if want to keep your money local and invested in your community, credit unions have all the online tools and mobile apps needed for you to sign-up and become a member and bank from wherever you are, whenever you want.
Here are some of the other real benefits of membership has its benefits:
- You are a shareholder, so you share in whatever profits are made either through cash back or enhanced product or service offerings. Translation: yes, you read that right – being a member means money in your pocket.
- You are a person, not just a number. Because credit unions are not-for-profits, delivering fantastic customer service and personalized advice is more important than increasing sales using questionable tactics. Translation: being a member means when you have a question, you can speak to a real person who wants to help.
- You are an owner of the financial institution, so you have a say in how things are run and how money is invested. Credit unions primarily invest in growing local businesses and supporting the community, not making profits for multinational companies outside Canada. Translation: being a member means investing in your community.
There are lots of benefits to being a “member” – with less requirements than your last gym membership! So why not think about trying a credit union for all your family’s financial needs today.