This document covers day to day content management tasks including adding, editing or deleting various content such as pages, news articles and team members. For general WordPress information please refer to
General Tips & Trick
Creating New Pages
The easiest way to create a new page is to duplicate an existing page (choose one with a similar layout to the new one you want to create) using the “Copy to a new draft” button in the admin toolbar and then editing the new page. Once updated don’t forget to publish the new page.
Editing Pages
An easy way to edit a page is by browsing the site while logged in to WordPress and then clicking the Edit Page link in the admin toolbar while viewing the page you want to edit.
Content Styling
Most content is styled using the basic WYSIWYG editor with Heading 2, Heading 3, Paragraphs and bold tags. Font styles, sizes and colors are applied automatically by the frontend templates. Please look to existing pages and content for examples of different content styles.
Page Builder
The site uses a page builder called WP Bakery Page Builder in order to create block based responsive page layouts. If required documentation on this page builder can be found here: and video tutorials here:
Optimizing Image File Sizes
Images can be optimized and file size reduced when saving from applications like Adobe Photoshop. A 65% JPG for example is a good compromise between quality and file size for photographic images.
To compress images that were not already optimized or to further reduce file size the free tool at is recommended.
Pages are used to create nearly all the site content except for the News posts.
There are several key pieces required when creating or editing a page.
This is the main page title that appears in the hero area.
This is the optional sub heading text that appears below the main heading in the hero area.
The URL of the page. This is generated automatically but can be edited manually if necessary.
WP Bakery Page Builder (Page Content)
This is the actual content of the page and is built using the WP Bakery Page Builder tool. Each page contains multiple sections, each comprised of rows, columns and blocks that make up the content layout. For information on using the WP Bakery Page Builder please refer to the documentation here:
The publish section contains several settings including visibility for the page (public, password protected or private) with public being the default setting for pages on the site. Setting the Published date for a page to a time in the future will hide the page from visitors until that date, after which it will become visible on the site.
Page Attributes
Here you can set where in the navigation that a page will appear. Leaving this set as (no parent) will exclude the page from the main navigation.
Featured Image
This is the image that will be used as the background for the hero banner on the page. These images should have a roughly 1:1 aspect ratio. Vector images should be uploaded in .SVG format and raster images should be uploaded as either .JPG or .PNG with a size of around 1000px by 1000px in order to properly scale at all screen resolutions. See Optimizing Image File Sizes under the General Tips & Tricks section.
Be Ready Articles
News posts are automatically listed from newest to oldest by published date on the Be Ready page.
The title of the article.
The URL of the article. This is generated automatically but can be edited manually if necessary.
The main life stage category (Student Life, Family Life, Business Life, Retirement Life) that the article should appear in.
The subcategory the article is tagged with for filtering. Please note that adding a new category will require a small amount of development work to make it actually appear in the filters on the front end of the site.
WP Bakery Page Builder (Article Content)
This is the actual content of the article and is built using the WP Bakery Page Builder tool. Each page contains multiple sections, each comprised of rows, columns and blocks that make up the content layout. For information on using the WP Bakery Page Builder please refer to the documentation here:
The short description of the article that will appear under each article title on the listing page.
The publish section contains several settings including visibility for the page (public, password protected or private) with public being the default setting for pages on the site. Setting the Published date for a page to a time in the future will hide the page from visitors until that date, after which it will become visible on the site.
Featured Image
This is the image that will be used as the thumbnail on the News listing page and in the hero of the actual article page. These images should have a roughly 1:1 aspect ratio. Vector images should be uploaded in .SVG format and raster images should be uploaded as either .JPG or .PNG with a size of around 1000px by 1000px in order to properly scale at all screen resolutions. See Optimizing Image File Sizes under the General Tips & Tricks section.
News Articles
News posts are automatically listed from newest to oldest by published date on the News page.
The title of the article.
The URL of the article. This is generated automatically but can be edited manually if necessary.
WP Bakery Page Builder (Article Content)
This is the actual content of the article and is built using the WP Bakery Page Builder tool. Each page contains multiple sections, each comprised of rows, columns and blocks that make up the content layout. For information on using the WP Bakery Page Builder please refer to the documentation here:
The short description of the article that will appear under each article title on the News & Views listing page.
The publish section contains several settings including visibility for the page (public, password protected or private) with public being the default setting for pages on the site. Setting the Published date for a page to a time in the future will hide the page from visitors until that date, after which it will become visible on the site.
Featured Image
This is the image that will be used as the thumbnail on the News listing page and in the hero of the actual article page. These images should have a roughly 1:1 aspect ratio. Vector images should be uploaded in .SVG format and raster images should be uploaded as either .JPG or .PNG with a size of around 1000px by 1000px in order to properly scale at all screen resolutions. See Optimizing Image File Sizes under the General Tips & Tricks section.
Home Page Features
These content highlights will be displayed below the hero on the home page. If more than one feature is created then they will display as a carousel.
The title of the featured content.
Feature Type Heading
The type of featured content. This field is optional but will display as a smaller heading above the main Title and can be used to classify the feature using text such as “Featured Credit Union”.
Button URL
This is the URL where the learn more button will link to. If left empty then no button will be displayed.
Featured Image
Images should be PNG or JPG format, ~400px wide and close cropped. See Optimizing Image File Sizes under the General Tips & Tricks section.
WYSIWYG Editor (Feature description)
The description of the feature.
The publish section contains several settings including visibility for the page (public, password protected or private) with public being the default setting for pages on the site. Setting the Published date for a page to a time in the future will hide the page from visitors until that date, after which it will become visible on the site.
Credit Unions (logo grid)
The credit unions are displayed in a grid on the home page and footer of other pages.
The name of the credit union.
This is generated automatically and is not used for the credit unions.
The URL of the credit union website.
Featured Image
This is the image that will be used in the credit union logo grid and for the featured credit union. Images should be PNG or JPG format, ~400px wide and close cropped. See Optimizing Image File Sizes under the General Tips & Tricks section.
WYSIWYG editor (credit union description)
This text will be displayed when a credit union is featured on the home page.
The publish section contains several settings including visibility for the page (public, password protected or private) with public being the default setting for pages on the site. Setting the Published date for a page to a time in the future will hide the page from visitors until that date, after which it will become visible on the site.
Media (Images, Documents, Videos)
Media assets including images, documents and videos can be managed via the the Media page.
Adding links to a PDFs uploaded to the Media section
If you would like to link to a PDF or other file in the media section you can get the URL for that document by browsing to it in the Medea section and then copying the File URL from the right hand details column. You can then use this URL to link to the document when adding a link or button to a page.